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St. Vincent’s Primary School Crosshouse Road Greenhills  East Kilbride  G75 9DG t.   01355 241649 f.   01355 241290 e.  gw14stvincentsoffice@glow.sch.uk
Thursday 6th June:
Please see the latest newsletter from Mrs Tompkins with important information for the coming weeks.  
Newsletter May-June

Dates for your Diary:
Friday 7th June:  Whole School Thanksgiving Mass at 9.30am - celebration of all children who made the sacrament of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year.  
Monday 10th June:  Pupil of the Year Assembly - 2 tickets per pupil receiving an award.  Invitations have been issued.  
Thursday 13th and Friday 14th June:  Big Days In - 50th Anniversary Celebrations.  Please hand in £5 cash towards the cost of the activities planned on these days.  
Tuesday 18th June:  P7 Leavers Assembly at 1.30pm 
Wednesday 19th June:  Sports Day 
Thursday 20th June: Meet the Teacher - children will move to new classes for the morning to meet their teacher for next year.  
Monday 24th June:  P7 Graduation Mass and Celebration at 6.30pm  
Wednesday 26th June:  Whole School to Mass to close the school year
Thursday 30th May:
Thank you to all the parents who came along to our P1 Induction evening last night.  We are very much looking forward to meeting all our wonderful new Primary 1s over the next two afternoons.  As promised, the presentation from last night is available by clicking the link below, as is the P1 welcome video to share with your little ones.  

P1 Information Presentation 

P1 Welcome Video 
Monday 30th October:
Please see the attached letter from SLC regarding the planned strike day on 8th November:  Planned Strike Action

We are aware that this strike day falls on the same day as the Primary 5 trip to Edinburgh.  Please note that this trip will still go ahead as planned and will not be affected by strike action.  Primary 5 pupils are asked to meet in the Church Carpark for 9am.  All pupils should bring a packed lunch and snacks for the day.  
Friday 27th October:
Huge thank you to our Parent Council for organising a wonderful Halloween Disco for P1-7 last night.  What a huge success and such fun had by all.  We will contine with our Halloween celebrations with our annual Eco-een on Tuesday next week (31st October).  Please come to school dressed in your eco-themed costumes (recycled/reused/home-made) and prepare to wow everyone with our Eco-een catwalk!  
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